Why Are You Dealing With That?

Ashlyn Michelle
3 min readOct 17, 2020

If it hurts you, why are you letting it get to you?

Photo by Aliyah Jamous on Unsplash

It seems that whenever something traumatic happens to others, we tend to tell ourselves: “I would never let that happen,” or “I could never do that.” Realistically, all of us have done this at one point or another. Whether it be while reading a story in the newspaper, or hearing about how someone stayed in a relationship they shouldn’t have, we have a bad tendency to assume the best in ourselves all the time. In the wise words of Justin Bieber, never say never. *cue a quick dance break*

Think about it, how do you know what you would or wouldn’t do? No matter what situation you find yourself in, there’s about a million different ways it could go. It’s hard to look through so many options and constantly pick the perfect choice. In fact, it’s so hard that it’s impossible. Isn’t it crappy? There’s no way we will always make perfect decisions, because we as a society, aren’t perfect.

Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we’re proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The message: we are what we choose to be. -Graham Brown

On the opposite side of the scenarios mentioned above, think about the victims in question. They did what you would never do, but why did they? Perhaps it’s because life isn’t quite so black and white, and sometimes people accept much less than they deserve. It’s sad, but it’s true. People don’t always make the right choices, and it’s usually because they don’t see themselves in the right light, either.

If everybody thought of themselves respectfully and kindly, nobody would get themselves hurt. Not only does believing in one’s self impact how they’re treated by others, but it changes how they treat others initially, too. If while reading this article, you find yourself wondering if you may be letting bad people or situations get the best of you, I can only offer a bit of advice.

You are worth more than gold, so don’t let someone treat you like you’re anything less. Sometimes, despite how bad people may be, we become too attached and feel like it would be impossible to let them go. I’m here to say that it’s okay to not be okay for awhile. It’s alright to have to give up a person who isn’t letting you thrive in the way you deserve. Even if it’s not a person, and maybe instead a career, or a hobby, or anything else. If any aspect of your life is tearing you down, it’s not meant to be there.

Pain can become comfortable at times. Sometimes, it may seem easier to deal with things instead of standing up for yourself, and I understand that. However, the easier route in life isn’t always the better one. Getting to the happier and more special side of life takes a lot of work, but I promise, as soon as you get there, you won’t regret it. All the pain, frustration, and anxiety will pay off, and you’ll come out stronger than before.

In life, we’ve all been on both sides of these situations. We’ve been the outsiders, wondering what can lead us to such sad places. We’ve all also been the ones dealing with problems head-on, without any clue of what to do next. No matter where you are in life right now, look out for those around you. If you need help, ask for it. If someone looks like they may need help, offer it. Don’t deal with what causes you pain. Instead, continuously search for better. Life is better when we stand together.



Ashlyn Michelle

Amateur writer with lots of random thoughts on her mind.